A few things happened around the time I turned 40 that really changed the trajectory of my life.
Then, in the middle of decluttering my office, I found something I hadn't seen in YEARS.
An old comedy book I’d started writing as a kid.
It reminded me of how much I once loved telling jokes and making people laugh.
In just 21 days, this challenge will lead you through a simple, step-by-step journey to declutter your home. Each day brings a manageable task that moves you closer to creating a true sanctuary. By the end, you’ll see a visible transformation in your space and feel a refreshing boost in mental clarity.
FREE - 21 Day Decluttering Challenge
Unlock Your Inner Confidence
Are you ready to quiet the inner critic, silence self-doubt, and finally believe in yourself? Discover the tools you need to conquer self-doubt and unlock your ability to thrive in every area of life.
FREE - Confidence Boosting Toolkit
Transform the way you see yourself with the 21-Day Mirror Work Challenge. Each day, you'll practice powerful techniques inspired by Louise Hay to cultivate self-love, heal emotional wounds, and build confidence. Join the challenge and start your journey to a more empowered and authentic you!
FREE - 21 Day Mirror Work
My Favorite Things
My dog Molly, (clearly the real star of the Oz Lotto ads)...
my happy place!
My twin daughters, Jemma and Jessica... who have just turned 15...
Family and holidays!! My bro lives overseas so it's really special when we catch up... this pic was taken when he hired Orpheus Island out for his 50th Birthday!!
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.