Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California






Ready to Release
What's Holding You Back?

21 Day

Decluttering Challenge

Fabulous!  You're in.  An email is on it's way to your inbox with your invite and all the details.
We begin on January 1.  
In the meantime let me share something only available for a limited time…

Together lets..

bring in more space

create more calm

get rid of what's heavy 

allow you more freedom

21 Days
isn't long...

But you can make a huge shift in the look and feel of your home, simply by doing one small, achievable task each day. 

Fabulous!  You're in.  An email is on it's way to your inbox with your invite and all the details.
We begin on January 1.  
In the meantime let me share something only available for a limited time…

Enter your details and check your email each day.  Follow through on each task.

Sign Up

 Tell your friends about it and have them join you in this challenge.  It's the BEST way to stay accountable. 

Be accountable

Decide whether you're prepared to ACTUALLY do this.  To follow through each day, and do each task when it arrives.


How it Works

Each day for 21 days...'ll receive an email outlining your daily task. It WON"T be too big and it WON'T take too long. 

But it WILL require some amount of effort. You just need to commit right now to putting in that effort each day. 

If you can do that, in 21 days you'll have created a new habit, and you'll have the MOMENTUM to keep going.  

You might be wondering why I'm so excited about the thought of you decluttering your home. 

You might be wondering "does this chick have a life"...?! 

"I mean... come on... how much of an impact can decluttering really have on my life?"

Well... let me introduce myself... and explain....

For years, I felt like I was barely keeping it together—working, raising twins, managing a household, and constantly trying to be everything to everyone.

so.. I’m Emma Krause—a comedian, teacher,  decluttering nerd.... and mum to twin daughters.

I was exhausted,overwhelmed, and honestly, I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

A few things happened around the time I turned 40 that really changed the trajectory of my life. 

I read Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

This book woke up a part of me.  A part that I didn’t even realise was buried under years of trying to meet everyone else’s expectations.

The book helped me see that the way I was feeling wasn’t a flaw or weakness—it was a signal that I’d drifted away from my true self.  

During my life I'd accumulated so much "junk" (emotionally, mentally, physically) that was blocking the person I was to become. 

I knew I needed to get beyond the clutter and  reconnect with the parts of me I’d forgotten. So that I could  trust myself, my instincts once again.


I  knew that a part of that journey required I declutter my home.  Clearing the clutter out of my life changed sooooo much for me.

It gave me room to breathe, dream, and rediscover who I truly was.

I always felt my inner and outer worlds were connected, but decluttering my home truly transformed me. Letting go of 80% of what I owned felt like deep therapy.

My mental load vanished along with the clutter, leaving me with clarity, lightness, and space for what truly mattered. And as a bonus, I halved the housework, freeing up time to pursue the life I dreamed of.

This process isn't  just about tidying up—it’s about clearing stagnant energy, processing the past, and removing the conditioning that keeps us stuck.

When you clear the clutter from your space, you’re not just tidying up—you’re removing the blocks, the junk, and the layers of conditioning that have held you back. It’s about shedding what no longer serves you to uncover who you were always meant to be.

But something else HUGE happened.

See, in the middle of decluttering my office, I found something I hadn't seen in YEARS.

An old comedy book I’d started writing as a kid.

It reminded me of how much I once loved telling jokes and how (secretly) I'd always wanted to try Stand Up Comedy. 

But the idea of trying stand-up comedy?

That felt impossible. I had an ENORMOUS fear of public speaking. The mere thought of standing in front of a crowd, trying to be funny, was enough to make my stomach flip.

Could I really do it? Could I actually try stand-up?

With all the fresh insights I'd had while decluttering my home, I started to think that maybe I could... but I wasn't really sure.  

Part of me thought I'd unlocked a real calling, and the other part just thought I was nuts... 

This highlighted to me just how much life I still have ahead of me.  I thought about how I still had SIXTY YEARS... 

When I asked my Nan if she had any regrets, her answer was so simple but so powerful...

She didn’t have any. 

She said she'd lived her life, not a life others expected, and she left nothing on the table.

Then I watched my Nan turn 100.

I decided I wanted to be able to tell my Grandkids the same thing one day....

"All the "not readies," all the "I need times," are understandable, but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a "completely ready," there is never a really "right time." 

As with any descent to the unconscious, there comes a time when one simply hopes for the best, pinches one's nose, and jumps into the abyss. If this were not so, we would not have needed to create the words heroine, hero, or courage."

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes-
The Women Who Run with the Wolves

I’ve had some pretty amazing opportunities in comedy—reaching the Finals of Australia’s Got Talent, playing Sue Finley for Oz Lotto, and touring with The Motherhood.

Another big highlight has been taking my own comedy show on the road.

Mostly because it’s allowed me to connect with so many women who’ve felt exactly as I once did.

Hearing them say the show’s message resonated deeply, that it made them feel seen and understood—that’s been incredibly meaningful.

I love making people laugh, but knowing the show creates a space where women feel less alone and more validated in their struggles? That’s what truly makes it all worthwhile.

I learned so much doing comedy.

It didn’t just make me laugh—it pushed me to grow.

It taught me resilience, helped me build confidence, and showed me I could trust myself even when I was full of doubt.


And I only got to experience all that because I decluttered my home. 

Getting rid of WHO I WASNT, made room for WHO I WAS. 

That’s why I love talking about decluttering and encouraging other women to go through this process. It’s not just about getting rid of stuff; it’s about creating room for clarity, joy, and a life that feels truly your own.

Watching women experience that transformation and step into a lighter, more intentional way of living is such a privilege—it’s why I’m so passionate about sharing this journey.

I think Elizabeth Gilbert sums it all up in this quote...

 "The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them."

I believe that "finding" those jewels requires removing the blocks, the junk the CLUTTER in our lives. 

So I'd be THRILLED  if you joined me on this (FREE) journey. 

join now

I seriously can't wait to hear where this journey leads you! 

Are you ready
to begin?

Lets do this.

Fabulous!  You're in.  An email is on it's way to your inbox with your invite and all the details.
We begin on January 1.  
In the meantime let me share something only available for a limited time…


@emmakrausecomedy >

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